If you are asking yourself that question, I am sure you are in the right place.
Half of the ⅔ cup is estimated at 2.68 oz or ⅓ of a cup. It means that you are taking ⅔ of a standard 8 oz cup and calculating half of this amount.
Why Do We Divide ⅔ Cup?
If you are using a recipe for food or even household cleaning, it will be good to know how to adjust the recipe to control different yields or adapt it to your utensils. For example, you are making your homemade recipe.
However, you do not need all of the recipes, and you want to divide half of it. For doing that, you should adjust all the given denominations, including ⅔ cup of fruit juice. You can use this way for both wet and dry measures.
How Many Oz In a Cup?
Before determining what constitutes half of ⅔ of a cup, you should know how many oz are in a cup. The standard cup used for recipes measures 8 oz. So we can start by calculating what’s ⅔ of 8 oz. For this, you can multiply eight by 0.67 (The estimated decimal form of ⅔).
When finishing the calculation, you will know that ⅔ of a cup is 5.36 oz. After that, you should divide the figure by 2. Dividing two into 5.36 yields for the answer of 2.68 oz.
Assigning the answer by fractions
You can think about fractions if you do not need to identify the exact amount of a cup in oz. For instance, when you take ⅔ of a cup, you divide the cup into 3. Then you take 2 of these thirds and divide them into 2. Because you are dividing this ⅔ by 2, it leaves you with ⅓ as your answer.
From Oz to Tbsp
You also can look at half of ⅔ of a cup in terms of tbsp. An oz equals 2 tbsp. It means that the standard cup comes with 16 tbsp in it. For finding this information, multiply two by eight. ⅔ of 16 tbsp equals 10.72 tbsp. Divide 10.72 tbsp by two, and then you will have the final answer 5.35 tbsp.
From Oz to tsp
Apart from tbsp, you also can use tsp. There is 48 tsp in a cup, ⅔ of 48 tsp is 32. You calculate half of 32 by dividing it by 2. When you divide it by two, you will see that half of ⅔ of a cup is equal to 16 tsp.
From cups and oz to ml
An ml is a metric unit for measurement used for measuring the liquid volume. The metric system is often used in the lab setting, and it is not commonly used in the US, though. Some measurement cups also come with metric measurement.
An 8 oz cup is equal to 235.59 ml, and an oz is equivalent to 29.57 ml. For determining how many ml are in ⅔ of a cup, you multiply 236.59 by 0.67 to get 158.52 ml. This is precisely the amount of ml in ⅔ of a cup. After that, divide this figure by 2. ⅔ of a cup equals 79.26 ml.
How to cut a recipe in half?
* ¾ cup => 6 tbsp
* ⅔ cup => ⅓ cup
* ½ cup => ¼ cup
* ⅓ cup => 1 tsp & 2 tbsp
* ¼ cup => 2 tbsp
* 1 tbsp => 1 ½ tsp
* 1 tsp => ½ tsp
* ½ tsp => ¼ tsp
If you really do not expect to waste your food, let’s get the simple solution here for decreasing all ingredients by half, which is said to do well for most recipes, especially for those that do not need too much authentic food such as soups, sauces or casseroles. If you want a cup of dry ingredients, downsize the amount to half a cup.
How to make ⅓ of the recipe?
It is simple to know what half of ½ cups. However it might take you longer to know how much a ⅓ or ¼ cup is. I will show you several guides for figuring out the answer and use it for cooking.
* ¼ cup => 1 tbsp & 1 tsp
* ⅓ cup => 1 tbsp & 2 ⅓ tsp
* ½ cup => 2 tbsp & 2 tsp
* ⅔ cup => 3 tbsp & 1 ½ tsp
* ¾ cup => ¼ cup
* 1 cup => ⅓ cup
* 1 tbsp => 1 tsp
* 1 tsp => large ¼ tsp
* ½ tsp => sufficient ¼ tsp
* ¼ tsp => sufficient ⅛ tsp
Tips for Downsizing a Recipe
Firstly, you should know that not all recipes should be reduced. If a meal is halved without difficulty, then food having yeast will not often be well halved. That’s the reason why a cook needs some creativity. When not being pretty sure about how the recipe can be divided or not, check if it can get frozen or not.
Because most pies can be like that, you might find no difficulty making a full recipe and freeze one of the portions later.
If you need to divide an egg, crack it into a bowl and have it whisked until it becomes soft and bubbly. Using a big egg which equals 3 tbsp. When you need a half of, e.g., use half of the tbsp. If you need only ⅓ egg, avail a tbsp.
Final Thoughts
For perfecting your cooking skill, being aware of all baking measurements is one of the most critical factors. Please take a look at the cooking reference or measurement conversions for use in the future if you do not know what half of the ⅔ cup is. Using a cup or spoon for measuring solid ingredients while only using a jug for liquid.
Let’s enjoy your cooking time!